Color your world inside and out with hundreds of blooming annuals, tropicals and houseplants from Hoen’s. We carry new and hard to find varieties in addition to old favorites, providing you with the best selection for your garden and home.
A n Annual plant is one that completes its life cycle within a year, from germination to mature growth, and then dies. Vibrant annuals are a quick way to add color to your landscapes for the spring and summer. They are also the best performers in container gardens, window boxes and hanging planters. We offer the highest quality of premium annuals and accent foliage, along with a wide variety of classic bedding annuals grown from seed here at the Garden Center.
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T ropical plants are plants that originated from the tropical regions of the world and are known for their bold textures, vivid colors and rich scents. These plants are the perfect way to add a tropical flair to your gardens and patios. Just remember to bring them inside at the end of summer to winter them over. Our Tropical department is fully stocked from April through June. You can find everything from unique foliages and blooming Hibiscus, Mandevillas or Bougainvillea, to fragrant Jasmine, Gardenias and more.
H ouseplants do more than bring living beauty indoors with green foliage and bright flowers, they also clean the air in your home and bring a host of physical health benefits to your body. You can find over 100 different plant varieties at Hoen’s, perfect for any part of your home, from plants that can withstand low-light and little care, to those that thrive by a bright-lit window.
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